Book A Financial Audit Today
Cape York Accounting offers objective and detailed auditing services for a wide range of clients. Unlike regular accounting, auditing is independent, unbiased and designed to analyse the transparency and accuracy of financial data. Our team is here to certify that your accounts have been prepared to reflect a true and fair view of your business.
Whether you need an audit at the request of the ATO, or just one for your own peace of mind—our auditors will provide a service that is honest, accurate and revealing. Count on us to help you identify areas of non-compliance so they can be rectified as quickly as possible.
Our team has a comprehensive understanding of the Australian Accounting Standards, as well as the Incorporated Associations Act and other relevant legislation. In the case of sporting clubs, school associations, incorporated bodies and community organisations, we can prepare audited financial statements accordingly. We support clients in Cairns, Cape York, Lockhart River, Kowanyama, Bamaga, Seisia, Weipa, Thursday Island and surrounding areas.
Contact us today to set up a consultation or to find out more.
Book A Financial Audit Today
If you have been awarded some form of grant funding from the government or community institution, you may require grant acquittal services. This involves assessing your finances and the funded activities to determine how the money has been spent and if the obligations of both parties have been met.
Often audited acquittal is required for certain government and community grants. This will likely be outlined when you are awarded the initial funding. Our team is available to help you navigate this process, even if the money hasn’t been spent yet. Simply organise a consultation by calling Cape York Accounting on
07 4038 1122.
Book A Financial Audit Today
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